The website is sadly outdated but new content is on its way! Many of the dogs on the site are no longer with us and many new dogs are not shown here. We have some new top winning dogs and want to get … more
The Dora daughter is remaining at Wintersong! She has her registered name now - Wintersong's I Herd Ewe and her call name Valais (for the adorable black nosed sheep). I am totally enjoying her. She … more
The frozen semen breeding between Wow and Shaker failed ...there are no puppies. I am super sad as that was a real dream for me. I still miss Shaker a bunch! The combination should have been lovely. … more
NOVEMBER 30, 2017 Seems like their is so much going on and the website blog is totally neglected. I guess sometimes we just have to live life and let some things go or wait until we can get to them. … more
Alchemy has place the available puppy in a wonderful home. Congratulations to Beth Chodkowski. This fellow is lucky to be part of your family! more
Alchemy and Wintersong Samoyeds have a very special boy available to a show home! Check out the Puppies page to learn more about this fellow! more
Wow's pregnancy was confirmed on ultasound yesterday (4/14/15). There appears to be several puppies waiting to be born. The vet and his assistant said between 8 and 10. I am sure that I saw at least 7 … more
Finally the site is up as the main site for Wintersong Samoyeds! We love the new logo- thank you, Anya Myrick for the lovely job. It was so exciting to see how you were able to capture the details of … more
Dora had 10 puppies on November 4th, 2013. It was an exceptionally easy deliver for that many puppies and Dora was a great mom. We kept a lovely girl and named her Breeze (Wintersong N Doubletake's … more